START: the project

The project is funded by the EU Erasmus+ program. Click here for more information.

Its main objectives: encouraging teenagers to learn English and use it to discover new people and cultures as well as developing a deeper concern for human rights and a higher sense of EU citizenship.

Presentation of the project at the Erasmus days in Bayeux France (in French)

Enjoy our project's banners and logos ;D


"Kids, Stand Up For Your Rights !" This phrase is not just the title of a school project, it is also an appeal to children, teenagers and youth from all over Europe to defend their own rights. Our project consists in developing a local strategy to defend and promote the rights of children in our schools and help to find solutions to the contemporary issues children are facing today. We want to develop pupils' desire to open up to the world, prevent illiteracy and early school leaving. We will promote the inclusion of people with disabilities into society, fight discrimination and help every child to develop his/her key skills and competencies.