C3 exchange in France

Start's C3 mobility in France : College Charles Lemaitre hosts students from Romania

from Sunday February ,9th to Friday, February 14th

Location: Collège Charles Lemaitre, Les Monts d'Aunay, France.

The exchange: 23 (12 yo) students from Mihail Sadoveanu School (Dorohoi) and Vulcana Pandele School (Dumbravita), Romania visited their 33 French partners of collège Charles Lemaitre. All students were involved in drama, dancing, art and music activities promoting human rights and the creation of an inclusive and human sense of European identity. Students visited Caen and discovered the French culture with the help of their French host families. The week ended with a brilliant European school presenting the achievements of a great week of activities to all 5e students of Collège Lemaitre. It was a success thanks to you all!

Enjoy START students' opening speech at Les Monts d'Aunay Townhall.

The 56 students involved were involved in creative artistic workshops;

1) Discovering traditional and modern folk dances.

2) START table tennis tournament.

3) Writing songs about human rights and rehearsing for the concert

4) Art workshops : making statues symbolizing the rights of children.

5) Drama rehearsals: promoting the rights of children

6) Red Cross conference about the rights of refugee children

7) Visiting the Caen headquarters of the French Red Cross.

8) The greatest European school show ever :D

9) Press article about the exchange