Best moments

Photo Gallery

Here is a nice selection of photographs illustrating our First mobility exchange week (because we can't publish them all, sorry...^^)

Monday, February 4th: START's first school Assembly

Workshop about the Syrian war

START students taking photos together!

START students at Paris Immigration Museum.

A united team of EU teachers

A few more assembly photographs

Tuesday, February 5th: Jade, Lydie and Léa ( Cooking and HAS students) with the great team of cooks who prepared a brilliant Chinese meal for our Red Cross day

START students receiving a beautiful calendar made by their Polish partners with beautiful drawings and quotations about himan rights.

START students recording their 2 beautiful songs

START students designing their 3D cities

START workshops at the school library.

This is where the videos about the war in Syria and the Anti-War Campaign were designed

More photos and videos will be coming soon!